Bite Marks
Child Abuse
Blunt Trauma
Patterned Injuries
Domestic Violence
Workplace Violence
Sharp Trauma
John R. McPhail
The Body as a Crime Scene
Forensics More than Death Investigation
Questions about Certification
What Is Forensic Nursing
Forensic Textbooks and Educational Material
Living Forensics


Welcome to the Forensic Nursing Web Site!

On these pages, we'll introduce you to Forensic Nursing the new developments and events that will increase your knowledge and skills.
We Offer Certified Continuing  Education
The Body as a Crime Scene

Founding member of International Association of Forensic Nurses, IAFN. An internationally known forensic instructor having presented forensic nursing conferences and seminars in Colorado, Oklahoma, Missouri, California, Kansas, Georgia, and Kentucky as well as Great Britain, Singapore, Durbin South Africa, Canada and Mexico.

John, a registered nurse, retired from Forensic Division, Colorado Mental Health Institute at Pueblo, former police investigator, Certified Medical Death Investigator and Necrosearch International member. He has served two terms as President of the Southern Colorado Law Enforcement Association, President, NecroSearch Internation. An Adjunct instructor, at the University of Colorado at Colorado Springs and the University of Southern Colorado, he teaches the recognition of blunt and sharp trauma, gunshot wounds, crime scene investigation and photographic documentation of injury at the Bachelor and Masters level. An Instructor of Sudden Custody Death Syndrome, Verbal Judo Train the Trainer, John has presented programs and key noted to Attorneys, Law Enforcement, Military Police, EMTs, Forensic Nurses and trauma care Physicians.

John is an active advocate for the growth of an the alliance of health care providers, Nurses, EMTs and Trauma Physicians. He presents eight hour and sixteen hour class of forensic techniques to teach a multi-disciplinary approach that benefits the victims of crime.

Affiliated With:

International Association of Forensic Nurses

Necrosearch International

Colorado Law Enforcement Officers Association

Southeastern Colorado Law Enforcement Association

International Wound Ballistics Association

American Academy of Forensic Sciences

American College of Forensic Examiners

International Association of Crime Scene Analyst

International Association of Bloodstain Pattern Analysts

The American Board of Medicolegal Death Investigators

Phone/fax 719-545-4325

Conference and Seminar Presenter

John R. McPhail RN PhD

The Body as a Crime Scene 
Living Forensics
A Seminar for Nurses, EMT's


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